Sue Yeandle is Professor of Sociology, based in the School of Sociology and Social Policy. She was the Director of the Carers and Services Project (2005-7, in collaboration with Carers UK.)<BR><BR>I have long-standing research interests in the relationship between work, care and family life and in gender and the labour market, and have published numerous books, articles and research reports on these topics. I joined the University of Leeds in January 2006, following 14 years at Sheffield Hallam University where I was Director of the Centre for Social Inclusion, 2003-5, leading a major programme of research on Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets (GELLM).<BR><BR>My research activities have included research on women, motherhood and employment; youth unemployment and family life; men?s economic inactivity and unemployment; lone parents? access to paid work; childcare and parental employment; mainstreaming gender in public policy; a social history of women factory inspectors; and a wide range of studies of care, care work and unpaid caring.<BR><BR>In directing the GELLM Research Programme (2003-6) I led a ground-breaking research and policy partnership between a team of 10 academic staff and the programme?s policy partners - 12 English local authorities, the TUC and the Equal Opportunities Commission. The programme, supported by a major award from the European Social Fund, produced 50 policy-engaged research reports and included 25 policy-focused dissemination events around the country. The GELLM research output included 12 Gender Profiles of local labour markets, 6 comparative Synthesis Reports on major topics of importance in understanding women?s position in the labour market, and a series of other publications tailored to the needs of local agencies and research partners. An edited collection of articles was published in the journal Local Economy (2006), and further publications will be forthcoming in 2007-8.<BR><BR>Since 2002 I have worked closely with Carers UK, leading the evaluation of its Action for Carers and Employment activities, and directing a programme of research on carers and employment. This partnership has led to two major research reports, Who Cares Wins: the social and business benefits of supporting employed carers (2006) (with C Bennett, L Shipton, B Stiell, and A Suokas) and Caring for Sick or Disabled Children: parents? experiences of combining work and care (2006) (with B Stiell and L Shipton). With Dr Lisa Buckner, I have also produced three innovative statistical publications analysing data on carers from the 2001 Census: We Care, Do You? (2005); Who Cares Wins: statistical analysis - working carers; and Managing More Than Most (2006), statistical evidence about carers of sick or disabled children.<BR><BR>